all postcodes in RM1 / ROMFORD

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM1 2AB 29 0 51.575423 0.186975
RM1 2AD 51 6 51.570958 0.184955
RM1 2AH 9 0 51.573764 0.18577
RM1 2AJ 24 1 51.569282 0.186563
RM1 2AN 12 0 51.576408 0.19828
RM1 2AP 16 0 51.567701 0.186992
RM1 2AR 1 1 51.566302 0.187228
RM1 2AS 42 0 51.568235 0.188216
RM1 2AT 10 4 51.569824 0.189331
RM1 2AW 43 0 51.570006 0.185833
RM1 2BA 7 7 51.568904 0.188522
RM1 2BB 17 2 51.569761 0.186932
RM1 2BD 9 0 51.576838 0.194661
RM1 2BE 20 3 51.571097 0.185683
RM1 2BG 1 1 51.568656 0.187242
RM1 2BH 24 0 51.571652 0.184716
RM1 2BS 21 0 51.572177 0.185506
RM1 2BT 39 0 51.573374 0.185462
RM1 2BU 6 0 51.57393 0.184751
RM1 2BX 31 0 51.573885 0.184244